Low Volume Injection Molding Services

Our low-volume injection molding service gives you the option of Quick Molded Parts or Prototyping/ Bridge to Production Molding.

Our Quick Molded Parts tooling is made from aluminum. Due to the soft nature of the metal, tooling can be completed very quickly, and parts can be made in as few as 5 days., Quick Molded Parts are, however, restricted in terms of quantity, size, and geometry of the part. The mold typically retains its integrity for 250 parts, and achieving a smooth, shiny surface finish may require secondary processing. The size cannot exceed 80mm x 80mm x 50mm (3in x 3in x 2in). Additionally, the part cannot have sharp angles or features like undercuts or protrusions that require sliders or lifters. Quick Molded Parts can give you the parts you need fast but not all materials can be used. The materials that can be used are limited to 15 engineering plastics. However, for parts that fall within the limitations, this is an economical option to get a low volume of high-quality injection molded parts.


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